Music and the Arts

Our choir supports congregational singing and sings an anthem during services between September and Trinity Sunday. Vocal and instrumental soloists complement the choir. Although the choir sings traditional Anglican repertoire, it is at home with music from all genres. The Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM and all are welcome, regardless of musical background.
The Church, with its restored magnificent collection of stained glass windows and wonderful acoustics, provides a stunning venue for the musical, visual, and performing arts. The Arts Committee works to support the growth of the visual and musical arts in our neighboring communities.

The Arts at All Saints' During the Pandemic
We developed a series of arts programs that took place after our Sunday morning service, and are presented by members of our parish family live via Zoom. The first was held on September 27, 2020 by Anne Tait, vestry clerk, artist, and Professor of Art at Roger Williams University and Monika Kraemer, Senior Warden and architect specializing in historic renovations.
We developed a series of arts programs that took place after our Sunday morning service, and are presented by members of our parish family live via Zoom. The first was held on September 27, 2020 by Anne Tait, vestry clerk, artist, and Professor of Art at Roger Williams University and Monika Kraemer, Senior Warden and architect specializing in historic renovations.

The second was held on October 25, 2020 and was an interview with Wilmar Jennings about his artist parents Wilmer and Mary Jennings, beginning with their art education in the 1930s and work funded by the Works Progress Administration's Federal Art Project.

The third was held on March 14, 2021 and featured Charlotte Burgess, retired head of the costume department for the Rhode Island College theater program, describing how she makes quilts. She is currently making a quilt of ties donated by parishioners that will be auctioned as part of our 175th anniversary celebration.